Monthly Archives: April 2014

Catherine and the Pirate, by Karen Hawkins (Chapter 8)

Okay.  Chapter eight.

I’ve admittedly been putting this chapter off.  Part of that is because chapter eight is, like chapter seven, extremely irritating (though at only twelve pages, not nearly as long, thank god).  Another part of it is because, in the interest of not throwing stones in glass houses, I wanted to get my facts straight before I started criticizing the medical practices that go down in this chapter.  Unfortunately, some of that information (like: “When did alcohol start being used as an antiseptic?”) is surprisingly hard to find via a google search, and alas, I just don’t care enough to, like, get some books out from the library and really research it, you know?  If I was writing a surgery scene of my own, yeah, totally—but for reviewing purposes, it’s just not worth it.  I want to finish this book before 2015, after all.

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Catherine and the Pirate, by Karen Hawkins (Index)

This is a chapter-by-chapter review/snark.  For a more abridged, spoiler-free review, check out the Intro (and the Wrap-Up entry, if you so desire).

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