Announcement: As a Sealed Book (or, join me as I hop on the self-pub bandwagon).

The blog has been pretty quiet as of late, and that’s mostly because I’ve (shock!—gasp!) been busy putting a short story collection together!  (Actually multiple collections—at least two—but we’ll get to that.)  Long story short, I fell deep into a Beulah Poynter hole, hunted down some neat mysteries she wrote in the late-1910s and early-’20s, found myself thinking what a shame it was that they were never formally collected, and then decided to…collect them myself?  After all, I have no industry clout, but I do have graphic design skills, and self-publishing is a viable option these days, so…why not, yeah?

So click through to see the (working) cover reveal!  (I may yet tweak the font sizes a little.)

The (working) cover of the book. It features an early Art Deco font, a "handwritten" font, and two public domain illustrations by Arthur "Hap" Hadley. The full title reads "As a Sealed Book: Five Mysteries From the Pulp Era by Beulah Poynter," and underneath, in smaller text is "edited and with an introduction by Lucynka Staron."

I’ll have you know that I made the two fonts featured, because I am apparently just that dedicated/insane.

As you can see, it will be a collection of five stories (two novellas, three novelettes), probably clocking in at about 85,000 words, sans introduction.  I actually have enough stories for two collections (it turns out I am really bad as judging story length in pulp magazines, and I only realized this after I started getting the manuscript together, ahahahaha), so with any luck, a second volume will follow.  But one thing at a time.

Originally I’d been hoping for a May 1st release, but…uh…yeah, that’s a bit too optimistic, unfortunately.  (I still have to write the intro, to say nothing of getting the layout together.)  So while I’m not exactly sure when it’ll hit, it is coming, and coming relatively soon!  It will be available in both ebook and paperback formats, and I’m also planning to make the first novella free as a standalone digital download, so people can get a real taste before they decide to commit to the whole thing.

Anyway, feel free to drop a comment (encouragement is always appreciated 😉), and keep an eye out for further announcements!

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3 thoughts on “Announcement: As a Sealed Book (or, join me as I hop on the self-pub bandwagon).

  1. Barry O’Connell April 20, 2024 at 12:51 pm Reply

    Why that title?


    • lucynka April 20, 2024 at 7:19 pm Reply

      It comes from a line in the first novella: “When that is done, this whole thing must be as a sealed book.” I liked the sound of it, and thought it spoke well to the totally forgotten/obscure nature of the stories.


  2. […] I had hoped to have As a Sealed Book (my Beulah Poynter anthology, previously announced here) already finished and available for purchase by now, but unfortunately some family emergencies (at […]


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