Category Archives: Adventures In Publishing

Announcement: As a Sealed Book (or, join me as I hop on the self-pup bandwagon).

The blog has been pretty quiet as of late, and that’s mostly because I’ve (shock!—gasp!) been busy putting an anthology together!  (Actually multiple anthologies—at least two—but we’ll get to that.)  Long story short, I fell deep into a Beulah Poynter hole, hunted down some neat mysteries she wrote in the late-1910s and early-’20s, found myself thinking what a shame it was that they were never formally collected, and then decided to…collect them myself?  After all, I have no industry clout, but I do have graphic design skills, and self-publishing is a viable option these days, so…why not, yeah?

So click through to see the (working) cover reveal!  (I may yet tweak the font sizes a little.)

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